What is HearthMath?
HeartMath is a modality that guides you with tapping into your vibrational health through real-time feedback measurements. The software program measures HRV (Heart Rate Variance) – a measure of stress on your body and helps one connect the “Head Brain” with the “Heart Brain.” This real-time feedback of your bio-rhythms (heart-mind-body communication) provides essential information to aid in the shifting of vibrational aka emotional behavior patterns towards coherence. Coherence is an overall vibration where one is consciously self-aware, heart-centered, and is in “flow” no matter what current life situation you may find yourself in. Whether it’s managing day-to-day stresses, work flow, creative flow, or other states of being an active human, the HeartMath tools and protocols, once practiced and applied, will become second nature. These techniques allow one to stay grounded and operate in harmony – at your highest frequency. With this in mind, one can see how HeartMath goes hand-in-hand with sound meditation practices.
– Experience science-based technology and programs for taking charge of your life.
– Proven to help you reduce stress and anxiety by increasing your inner balance and self-security.
– Learn to access your heart’s intuition to become the best version of yourself more often.
Are you ready to live a more heart-centered life and operate at your highest frequency?
Michelle is a Certified HeartMath Practitioner and depending on your goals, she offers a 4 to 6+ week program that combines sound and vibrational health practices with HeartMath technology. Using this unique blend of modalities, Michelle will assist you in learning about your current vibrational blocks, how these blocks relate to your cognitive health, guide you with “take-home” techniques to help release this blocked energy and gently shift your thoughts, and operate in a more harmonic vibrational state. By focusing on your Vibrational Health along with other healing modalities, achievements become real in your overall transformation of becoming “The Best You!” The goal is to start living the life your heart has always desired with ease and grace!
Weekly sessions are 45 – 60 minutes in length and must be consecutive for a powerful transformation
“Heart Math is something I never would have thought would be a part of my life, but after participating in a case study with Michelle Berc, it will be a permanent part. I was skeptical at first, but being able to visualize the progress that I made was a huge belief tool. I am now incorporating the exercises into my my daily life, not only in stressful situations, but as a bettering aspect of my life. I look forward to a long future with Heart Math and THANK YOU Michelle!!!”
– Ryan K.
Contact Michelle for program rates and to book your first session: contact@sonicbeing.com

* HeartMath is based on 26 years of scientific research
HeartMath results:
Ability to think clearly and find more efficient solutions.
Maintain poise and composure during challenges.
Improved family and social harmony.
Reduced fatigue and exhaustion.
Facilitates the body’s natural regenerative processes.
Improved coordination and reaction times in sports.
Improved meditation and focus
Improved ability to learn and achieve higher test scores.
Access moment-to-moment intuition throughout the day.
Improvements in Mental & Emotional Well-Being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology
50% drop in fatigue
46% drop in anxiety
60% drop in depression
Improvements in Physical Stress in over 5500 people in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology
44% improvement in body aches (joint pain, back aches, etc.)
43% improvement in indigestion, heart burn or stomach upset
63% improvement in rapid heartbeats
44% improvement in muscle tension
44% improvement in headaches
30% improvement in sleep

HeartMath for a productive Work Environment:
Sustained improvements in 1400 employees at five global companies after 6-12 months following HeartMath training
41 percent reduction in intent to leave the job
24 percent improvement in the ability to focus
25 percent improvement in listening ability
17 percent improvement in home/work conflict
8700 health care workers using HeartMath tools had significant improvements in:
Positive Outlook
Anger management
Stress symptoms
Did you know that the earth’s magnetic resonances vibrate at the same frequency as our heart rhythm and brain waves?

Be a part of the HeartMath Vision:
A global shift is under way and people are sensing it involves a deeper connection with their heart. This desire for more heart connection is a growing movement, one that people are drawn to by a nudge from their own intuition or conscience to listen to their hearts more and to connect with their inner guidance. The voice or feelings of the heart have been referred to in writings and teachings throughout the millennia. HeartMath exists to help individuals, organizations, and the global community incorporate the heart’s intelligence into their day-to-day experience of life.
Whether people mention speaking from the heart, connecting with the heart, or following the heart, there is an increased energetic awareness of the importance of the heart’s intelligent input in life’s discernments and choices. It’s being experienced by millions who are coming into expanded global awareness and feel an inner need for the deeper resonance and nurturing of spirit that comes from heart-based connections. These connections can be between a person’s own heart and mind, or between people trying to build community through cooperative interaction.
HeartMath’s commitment is to help make these critical couplings possible. As these connections are established, the world we live in will be transformed. Coherent, heart-centered interactions will generate a higher vibrational consciousness field globally, increasing individual, social and global coherence and resonance. This will support co-creative alliances and draw in new intuitive solutions to our personal and global challenges.
HeartMath shows us a way to remake our world. It provides tools to connect with our inner guidance and technologies to help us be still enough to listen. Its research shows us how we can be empowered to become masters of ourselves and the quality of our future. Together, the tools, technologies and research enable us to realize our full potential as individuals and as a species to serve as caretakers for our planet and generations to come.